ARexx (17/65)

From:Kevin Orme
Date:7 May 2001 at 15:42:26
Subject:Re: The List, the Universe and Everything

No one's holding a gun to your head to use our site. We are simply trying to
provide a service to the Amiga community. If you have more and better storage
elsewhere, use it then. It gets a little annoying to be nice and then to be
effectively told 'don't waste my time'. no one ever asked for money or
anything else here, but I guess being nice isn't important anymore, let's all
be like PC users and s*** on each other at the first chance we get. The Amiga
is a community, not a herd of sheep at Gill Bate's beck and call, remember?

>Run a few server modules or run php/perl/python using cgi, a database
>server and a non trivial website off it and provide external
>administration and keep it secure and maybe I'll believe you :)

Now that MySQL has been ported to the Amiga just recently, we may just do
that. But if there's no NEED to do that save for just ego reinforcement, then
why bother? Static HTML serves this site just fine for now. And having lha
archive downloads where needed.

We ultimately WANT to put up another site, called 'amigawebdev' where people
can just put up 'showoff' code and applications for others to download and
learn from. Such a site would be simply for the purpose of showing off cool
web-based stuff (not just flash-esque but real, productive stuff, like online
DB servers and content). Perhaps you'd be interested in working with us on
that idea instead of simply being negative?

Kevin orme

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